campanadas ones of the church began to
repicar, - Dong, Dong, Dong... Dong -.
The eight in the morning.
- Juan left his room with a
dressing gown of panels average broken
and pantuflas of little bear in the feet.
He was rascando the head and yawning way
towards the kitchen. The loose floor
tiles of the floor, - most of them -,
they were singing there by where
happened, - clinc, clanc, clonc... When
arriving at the kitchen opened the
refrigerator and, which was still offered
to him to his slept eyes, it could not be
more depressing; nothing, absolutely
nothing, nor only something: nothing.
- He took a dipper, he
filled it of water of the faucet and he
put it to warm up with the aid of a
- While the water was warmed
up, it gathered a handful of granzas of
coffee that the bar of the corner "
the explosion ", threw in the
flowerpots stand of the terrace to pay
the plants; he cleaned them of bichejos
and objects nonidentified, he placed them
within a sock that had gathered
previously of the room of Luis and it
introduced it within the dipper with the
water that not yet had begun to boil.
Right away, the water took a color and a
scent very little pleasant.
- Trás a small delay, the
breakfast was ready in the table; coffee
and hard bread strips that had to
interpret the paper of churros or clubs.
- Of a newspaper battery it
gathered the one that it had more by hand
and one seated to the table.
- A spider, hung in the lamp
that was on the table of the breakfast,
watched Juan; it observed all his
movements but, from which it did not
separate his glance was of those churros;
the scent of something eatable in that
apartment was little normal and this
called the attention of all the fauna
that in him lived, like those two
ratoncillos that minutes before were
finishing the preparations for a great
manifestation against the hard conditions
of life which they were put under in that
tuburio. Both ratoncillos they tried,
armed with a corkscrew, to drill the
table underneath and to gather that
sucedaneo of coffee.
- Juan opened the newspaper
by the page of events, took churro with
his skilful hand and, without hardly
watching, he wet it in the coffee but,
when trying to take that churro to the
mouth, that spider, to the time that gave
a shout and hanging of one of its
spiderwebs it was sent to by churro and
it left by the window...
- - iiiiuuujuuuuu the spider
- Juan as soon as it was
surprised; stranger things had seen in
that house, churro returned to take
another one again, wet it in the coffee
but, he was demasido late; the cup
already was empty; the ratoncillos had
fulfilled their mission.
- From the room of Luis
noises and bostezos were listened to.
Juan, continued in the table, reading the
newspaper. Somewhat interesting Vió and
doubled the page in four times to be able
to read that article more at great
length. The door of the room was opened
and by her he appeared Luis, with a
lamentable aspect; without shaving,
despeinado, lega6nosos eyes and holding
with its right hand a rebosante orinal of
joy. When crossing itself Juan it gave
the good days him to his way...
- - yeeeeeh.....
- - yeeeeeh.... - Juan
answered to him
- - you have seen a sock? -
it asked to him while one went towards
the service, still average slept.
- - Yes, occasionally I have
seen some. - it responded without hardly
raising the glance to him of the
- Luis stopped right front
to the door of the service and he was
still turned towards Juan with the orinal
in the hand.
- - Where?
- - Then... in tele, the
street, the house, anywhere...
- - my sock? - surprised
Luis asked.
- - tuyo?... aah, no, yours
no, I feel it...
- After that one triviality
of Juan, Luis entered servicío and
- he closed the door, which
took advantage of Juan to go to the
kitchen to rescue caltecín. He drained
it and he left it in his place of origin.
- To the few minutes of to
have entered, Luis left the service. Its
aspect was the same one that when it
entered except for the orinal, that
already was empty. When happening next to
Juan they returned to greet itself...
- - yeeeh...
- - yeeeh...
- When arriving at its room
one pleasing surprise took...
- - andá, my sock!
- Juan found something in
the newspaper, something nothing
interesting for the others but worrisome
for them. Slowly it separated his glance
from the newspaper in direction towards
the ceiling and pensativo remained, like
in critical moment, catatónico. Its
mouth began to make bitter not indeed and
of the coffee. Cucharilla of the
breakfast began " to clinquinear
" as a result of temblorcillo that
their legs began to acquire. It again
lowered its glance from that egg spot of
the ceiling to the newspaper... was
- - Luis, Luis!
- - Queeé?
- - they see, see here!
- - It tell me... said Luis
when approaching Juan by the back.
- - Sight, watches what puts
here! we are lost!
- Juan gave to Luis the
newspaper him, indicating to him the
place where he had to read.
- - Ostrás pedrín! - Luis
exclaimed at the top taking the hands.
- - He is sure... we must
- - You are safe Juan?
- - perhaps I do not
know...... of when is the newspaper?
- - to see... of... of... of
two weeks ago.
- Juan rose and was towards
one of the windows that he gave to the
street. Smoothly the curtain slid to be
able to observe if indício existed some
police and not to be seen. Everything was
normal, except for the five salesmen of
coupons, the three ice cream carts, the
four of hot small dogs and two cranes
trying to take to a truck-concrete mixer
parked in double row.
- - We must have them very
closely together... said Juan after the
sight. TOC, TOC, TOC. They called so
close to the door - and! - Luis
exclaimed. TOC, TOC, TOC. They called
another time
- - Ay, aaay... ayyyyyyyy! -
Luis shouted while esconderse. ran from a
side to another one of the house looking
for a place where - It shuts up,
cállate! thus you are not going to solve
nothing. It is necessary to calm
themselves and to think express
- - ay, ay,ayyyy....Thinks
you, thinks yoü
- -Well, I will gamble
pellejo and will open but... THEY DID NOT
- Juan was towards the door.
If they were police; they were finished,
even Luis, who had hidden under the
carpet. She was expensive or... cross.
TOC, TOC, TOC. Another time
- - already it goes, already
gooo!... - responded Juan.
- A pair of men dressed in
very elegant clothes, a briefcase each
one and dark glasses was trás the door
- - Yessss... - said to Juan
titubeándo when opening the door
- - Mr. Juan House?
- - Yes, but... nonfuí I,
he was he! - the tembloroso bulk in
alfomb said to Juan indicating
- Continuará...................................................